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Apr 26 2002 @ Boo Radley's Guelph, ON

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On Stage


1. X-Quews Mee, Dr. Madd Vibe Emergency House Call Pull-ease
2. Nuttmeg World
3. Unyielding Conditioning
4. Party At Ground Zero
5. Karma Tsunami
6. Riot
7. Sunless Saturday
8. Bonin' in the Boneyard
9. Shakey Ground
10. Alcoholic
11. Skankin' to the Beat
12. Ma & Pa
13. I Wish I Had a Date
14. AIDS & Armageddon
15. Freddie's Dead
16. Swim with star spangled banner outro
17. Premadawnutt [not played]
18. Pressure [not played]
19. Deep Inside [not played]
20. Last Dayz, Critical Times
21. Fishbone is Red Hot


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4 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Set list was

Xquewz Me Dr Madd Vibe Nuttmeg World Unyielding Conditioning Party at Ground Zero Karma Tsunami Riot Sunless Saturday Bonin' Shakey Ground Alcoholic Skankin' to the Beat Ma & Pa I Wish I had a Date Aids & Armaggedon Freddys Dead Swim

Encore was listed as Primadawnutt, Pressure, Deep Inside, Last Days, Red Hot but I think they ...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Guelph (which sounds like a burp)was interesting. The club owner hyped up the town so much, insisting that they have a fantastic music scene and hardcore bands always play there. I wasn't really impressed though. The bouncers had a real poor attitude, which inevitably attracts a poor clientele base. Angelo let me paint his face before the show. The show seemed short to me, but Spacey T was real...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

I don't even know where to begin. First off it was super cool to meet up with Kisha, Tina and Nerre who are some of the nicest folk you could meet. As mentioned in Tina's post, the Toronto show was "All That", the crowed was on fire. You've got to remember Toronto at one time was one of FB's biggest markets and it had been 4 years since a headline show. It was also one of the tightest performances that I have ever seen from the band and I've seen FB at least 10 times. The only bummer was it was yet another 101 show. They did not play one single song from the Temple Bar Set, NO Last Days, NO Frey'd, NO nothing. I asked Norwood about it after the Guelph show and he told me it was because they had not been here in so long that they wanted to represent with the old stuff. At least I got to hear Last Days in Guelph during the encore. OK here's my adventure; I live about a 5 min walk from the club. I go there bout 4pm and see John walking down the street, he kinda remembered me from the Buffalo show, anyway I asked him if he wanted to party and without saying a word he opened the bus door and pointed me in. After hanging there for a while he suggested that we go looking for Walt and T. We hit a few CD stores on the strip and bumped into Norwood eating Sushi and John decided join him. I figured I'd let them eat in peace so I went to grab a coffee and hung with Kisha and Tina for a bit. Soon after it was sound check time and I finally bumped into Walt who told me we'd hook up after the check. They did a short interview with Much Music and then it was back to the bus with Walt and T. Now I've had opportunity to have conversations with various band members but I had never met Tracy before. I don't know if it was because we are pretty close in age and have a lot of the same musical interests (I've been playing guitar for 25 years) but holy fuck it was like we had been friends forever. We got into the most intense conversations about guitars, players and even about growing up and parental support. Walt had some funny stories about getting hurt as a kid, he said he fucked himself up good falling off an ice cream truck, doh. About a half hour later J.Wo called my cell to tell me he was standing it front of the bus. We get him on board and the conversation turns to FB recordings. First off, they are pissed off that all those videos with full audio were available on the Hen House site. Buddy at Hen House was only supposed to put up clips of the music NOT the full song, so all you out there who have a copy of those videos consider yourself lucky. T said they are in the process of trying to get him to take those off his site and that the guy is a friend of his and that he is surprised that he would have done such a thing. We talked about the Temple Bar recording and that's when I decided to make a statement that I have made on this list before. I told T that he is the best guitarist to ever play with FB. To my surprise I got a knowing laugh from Walt who said and I quote "Fuck man Tracy schooled Kendall". Here's where the insight begins. Did you all know that T has quite a few years on Kendall and was playing the LA circuit when a teenaged Kendall was cutting his teeth. Apparently Kendall used to idolize T and go to see him play and ask him for advice. It's no accident that T is in the band right now. As far a Ska/Funk/Metal player is concerned there is no one better at this point in time. And by the way, he knows all about the back and forth debate that was going on a few months back when J.Wo and I started it after the Buffalo show, Kisha kept him posted. Anyway, we decided to go back to my place to chill out. We were getting hungry so we ordered some pizza. Just incase anyone was wondering Walt likes his pie with pepperoni and onions, none of that fancy shit. We started by listening to the Blade II soundtrack which Walt loved so I burned him a copy. As we were sitting around T started inspecting my CD collection at which point he found my copy of the Temple Bar and the CD I made by extracting the audio from the Hen House videos. Now I'm pretty anal about my CD covers so I always spend some time making pretty pro looking covers and stickers for the face of the CD. Walt almost shit his pants because he thought they were professionally done bootlegs that I bought. I had to calm him and explain that these were made by me for my own consumption and that only the list members had copies of the Temple Bar. Walt was pretty relieved to hear that and T wanted a copy of the Hen House stuff so I gave him the one with the cover as I can always make myself another. After talking guitars with T all night I pulled out my Strat so he could bless it, I pulled out the video camera to get some cool shots of Walt and T (wailing on my ax) sitting on my couch. I'll never change my strings again :o) We needed to get some funk going so I put on Funkadelic "Lets take it to the stage" and during Earhole I told those guys it was one of my favorite songs, Tracy said he was going to have a special surprise for me that night at the show. I'll cut back to the show, during his intro for Shakey Ground Tracy says, I was hanging with a friend listening to Funkadelic today so I'm gonna work this riff, and goes into Earhole, Angelo even joined in for the chorus, blew my mind. T told me the next day that he works in different Funkadelic riffs for that intro and that hearing Earhole at my place made him go that route in Toronto. We were listening to a bootleg of Jimi Hendrix live in Ottawa on the bus before the Guelph show hence the Star Spangled Banner which he did note for note. This post is getting way too long so I'll let J.Wo fill in the blanks when he posts. cheers, ted da bonehead


Review by Nijumu on Sep 29 2018 

The audio bootleg is on

Live Recordings

1 live recording
Audio / Source : audience / Master : DAT / Length : n/a 

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Fishbone & Boo Radley's

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Boo Radley's anytime soon.


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