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Nov 12 2001 @ Variety Playhouse Atlanta, GA

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Rating : 6Rating : 6Rating : 6Rating : 6Rating : 6Rating : 6Rating : 6Rating : 6Rating : 6Rating : 61 vote
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2 'hoodsters in attendance2 'hoodsters in attendance2 'hoodsters

On Stage


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3 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

When I got to town (little 5 points) I couldn't find the club and I started asking around for directions. Someone in a shoe store said 'The singer was just in here. He was looking for suspenders but we don't have any.'

So I got to the club and met up with Angelo and got to meet Josefek (And he was lookin for you to get you in the door so I hope you found each other.) This cl...


Review by Babyhead on Feb 16 2005 

Strange show. Energy was hot from Angelo and Norwood, but lost with the others and the crowd was sparce. Blowfly put down the ABC's of pussy, sex or something...

Angelo was doing a lot of Madvibe material. Purrrumph....optimistic YES.

Review by Deesonic on May 01 2005 

I'll keep this one short. This was not one of Fishbone's better gigs that I have seen. I think the boys were a bit too drunk and sloppy. The crowd was pretty sparse and this club is odd. It is connected to the Tabernacle and there was something going on in there as well. So you could between songs hear noise coming from the Tabernacle stage. Fishbone is always fun, but as far as the bone goe...


Live Recordings

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Fishbone & Variety Playhouse

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Variety Playhouse anytime soon.


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