Oct 31 2001 @ Stone Pony Asbury Park, NJ

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7 'hoodsters in attendance7 'hoodsters in attendance7 'hoodsters in attendance7 'hoodsters in attendance7 'hoodsters in attendance7 'hoodsters in attendance7 'hoodsters in attendance7 'hoodsters

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2 reviews
Review found on the web 

At 10:00pm, the Stony Pony experienced a hellified show on this Halloween, by the legendary Blowfly!! To me, Blowfly's particularly crude & graphic raps seemed to explain why he was on the same bill with Dirty Walt's Columbus Sanatation! (Don't believe me? Listen to Dirty Walt's CD "To Put it Bluntly"!) The Fishbone band members (minus Angelo Moore, who was the DJ for that night) backed up Blowfly...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

aka Fuck Marlboro, fuck 'em! That's just how I feel, man.

Hey all. Just got back after the Halloween show last night in Asbury Park, NJ. First the good news. It was absolutely a fabulous show. I think while the band is still deeply affected by what happened this past weekend, there also seems to be an overriding sense of relief among all of them that they decided to keep...


Live Recordings

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Fishbone & Stone Pony

Fishbone played already at Stone Pony 2 times.
>May 26, 1996 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.5 'hoodsters in attendance
>October 11, 2003 1 photoNo video has yet been linked.1 reviewAn ordered setlist was submitted2 recordings7 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Stone Pony anytime soon.
Fishbone live at Stone Pony, Asbury Park (NJ) Oct 31, 2001 - www.fishbonelive.org

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