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Jun 15 2001 @ Birch Hill Nightclub Old Bridge, NJ

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On Stage


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1 review
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

hey, just thought i'd throw out my memories from the jersey show. i have nothing to comparew it to, but i can pretty safely say it was an amazing show. started at 8 n there were four freakin opening bands...... i don't remember trheir names or how tey were, non of them realy caght my atention. I met angelo early on, waitng for the bands to start i heard angelo's voice coming through the speakers on top of some crazy ass music, so i went up to the soundguy and he had no clue what it was but he told me angelo was djing and pointed me to him. so i met him, just said hi n stuff, and he said "we're gonna put it down tonight!" ........and they absolutly did. 11:50 they came on and angelo yelled for the basketball game to be turned off "fishbone was the only sport you need to be watching" they started off with two dirty walt somns, nutmeg world, and i assume the other one they;ve been playing which were just funky as shit, i definetly have to pick up that album. this is what i remember of the rest of the set list. in no particuaar order

skankin to the beat pressure(did a nice backstroke around the club on this one) ma n pa one planutt in the heat of anger fried nerve ending prima dawnutt alcoholic karma tsunami shaky ground(spacey, who is fucking insane... i was directly infront of him the entire show..... dedicated this to eddy and his familyt who were on the side of the stage) suffering behavior control technician cholly aids n armegeddon just allow(when angelo informed us that security spelt backwards reads dance motherfucker, and called everyone to come up on stage and swim) riot

encore party at ground zero(angelo read "in these last days or whatever its called over the intro)

show ended at 1:50, and it was the fastest two hours of my life. amazingly intense show, keyboards were definetly not necessary...... Gabe


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Fishbone & Birch Hill Nightclub

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Birch Hill Nightclub anytime soon.


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