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Jun 10 2001 @ Pearl Street Northampton, MA

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1 review1 review
1 photo1 photo
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1 'hoodster in attendance1 'hoodster

On Stage


1. I Need A Swig
2. Nuttmeg World
3. Skankin' to the Beat
4. Ma & Pa
5. Karma Tsunami Instead of Just Allow
6. Pressure
7. Bonin' in the Boneyard
8. Shakey Ground
9. One Planet People
10. Lyin' Ass Bitch
11. If I were A... I'd
12. Riot
13. Behaviour Control Technician
14. AIDS & Armageddon Instead of When Problems Arise
15. The Suffering
16. Alcoholic
17. Frey'd Fucking Nerve Endingz
18. Freddie's Dead
19. Cholly
20. Where'd You Get Those Pants
21. Party At Ground Zero
22. Sunless Saturday
23. Servitude


1 photo


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1 review
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

First things first: Fishbone remains one of the best live rock and roll bands in the world, in a category unto themselves and with very little competition in terms of overall musicianship and stage presence. Angelo, in particular, is just a freak of nature -- it seems almost incomprehsible how much of himself he can give on stage, night after night, big crowd or small. If the rest of humanity cou...


Live Recordings

0 live recording
If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & Pearl Street

Fishbone played already at Pearl Street once.
>May 28, 1996 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.2 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Pearl Street anytime soon.


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