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Dec 23 2000 @ Howlin' Wolf New Orleans, LA

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1 review1 review
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4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Tracey Singleton (eg)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)


The setlist hasn't been submitted yet, please encode it if you can.


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1 review
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

It's 3:30 AM and I'm drunk and tired. My friend and I just dropped off John Steward and John McKnight at a local restaurant. I'll give you guys a set list if you want later, but right now I can't believe I got to talk to all the guys in the band (except for Walt)!! Stacey T had some pretty interesting things to say about the music industry (that dude was just TOO COOL). The two Johns are a t...


Live Recordings

0 live recording
If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & Howlin' Wolf

Fishbone played already at Howlin' Wolf 5 times.
>November 17, 2001 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.4 'hoodsters in attendance
>July 31, 2002 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.2 'hoodsters in attendance
>May 14, 2004Rating : 8.5Rating : 8.5Rating : 8.5Rating : 8.5Rating : 8.5Rating : 8.5Rating : 8.5Rating : 8.5Rating : 8.5Rating : 8.5 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.1 reviewAn ordered setlist was submittedNo recording has yet been submitted.5 'hoodsters in attendance
>April 27, 2007 No photo has yet been submitted.1 videoNo review has yet been submitted.An ordered setlist was submitted2 recordings1 'hoodster in attendance
>October 25, 2008 1 photoNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.2 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Howlin' Wolf anytime soon.


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