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Oct 26 2000 @ Maritime Hall San Francisco, CA

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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Tracey Singleton (eg)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)


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2 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

What a powerful performance by 'Bone. The evening started with these two Vanilla Ice style performers (if you could call them that). Well actually, it started with this young woman dressed in a nurse slut outfit taunting the boys in the audience with promises to take it off in exchange for loud cheers. Well, they weren't loud enough. Anyways, they took it off for during this unbelievably horrible...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

> The evening started with these two Vanilla Ice style performers (if you > could call them that). Well actually, it started with this young woman > dressed in a nurse slut outfit taunting the boys in the audience with > promises to take it off in exchange for loud cheers. Well, they weren't loud > enough. Anyways, they took it off for during this unbelievably horrible set. > The only cheers these guys could get was when the girls came out. The whole > thing was embarissing.

It was horrible. They opened with a rap version of "Another One Bites the Dust" with the lyrics changed to "I likes to Cuss" They were from Atlanta and if that's what counts as music there now, I'm glad I not there to endure it. That sad part is that Fishbone had to be one the same stage and tour with the, I think it was about 20, opening bands :-)

> To make a long story short, Fishbone didn't come out till about 12:40.

And I was way too tired today. The worse part is that the crowd had thinned out by then, maybe all the pot-heads got munchies, but it was a shame that fishbone had the smallest crowd of the night. We're some damn loyal fans.

> They came out after Kottonmouth Kings who seemed to be blatently ripping off > Cypress Hill beats, with a guy onstage that was ripping off Buckethead > without the guitar.

The most intersting band was Corporate Avengers. The had song saying "Taxes Are Stealing" and bitched about the oppresive government. Being a Libertarian, I dug that. I went to ask one of their fans, they painted their faces white, if the band believes in anarchy or what. He said he didn't know, he was only 14 and just liked the way they "sang" Pretty funny. I bet he went home telling his friends about the guy asking about political philosophy.

> When Fishbone finally did come on, it was well worth the wait. > They started with this opening jam that had Norwood playing as if he was > with Ornette Coleman. It was kickass. From there they jumped into Behavior > Control Technician. It was so good to hear that song again. The rest of the > night was a blur. I can't remember the order of songs (hopefully someone has > it). But they did play > Bonin > Everyday > Just Allow > Housework > Ma & Pa > One Planet > Shakey Ground > The Suffering > Aids & Armageddon > and more but I'm a little foggy right now!

plus, Cholly! Where'd you get those pants?

I'm still thinking

> They sound so revitalized. The old songs have this fresh vibe to them it's > unreal, and the new songs sound 1000% better than they do on the album. > Karma Tsunami is completely over the edge. Walt began by saying, "I hope you > guys have some goo karma, I can tell you've been fucking up" Then he kept > saying "you've beeen fucking up" over and over again. This song was > breathtaking. The horns were incredible. Angelo is like Cab Calloway morphed > with Dexter Gordon morphed with Bruce Lee. There is simply no other > performer who can touch him, he truly is in a league of his own. He is the > most underated horn player of our time.

Being a trombone player, I must say that having one again has really allowed them to bring back some older songs and rounded out the sound well. I admire McKnight since he has to play keyboard, trombone, and guitar. Angelo was great again. Its like a switch goes off.

> Norwood stood out as the Jimi Hendrix of bass. What I mean by this is that > not since Hendrix, have i ever heard or seen a bass player with a full > command of his instrument in such a fresh and creative way.

On Karma, I always thought it was a Bari Sax playing the moving bassline, but its Norwood? Wow! He used an acoustic bass, but couldn't hear him too well since I was in front of McKnight and Angelo.

> The Suffering was so much better than the album version. They even did a > sort of interstellar dancehall part at the end.

I prefer the faster version of the song. We got the Kilborn version and I wanted Rosanne version. It was awesome nonetheless.

Also, what's up with all the redbull? Angelo was having one, Walt, and I think I saw Steward with on too. I've never had one and I don't trust it. I'll stick to coffee. I've seen people mixing it with Vodka, it that safe? The whole upper, downer mix thing.

Travis "Wishing there was an encore"


Live Recordings

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Fishbone & Maritime Hall

Fishbone played already at Maritime Hall 2 times.
>September 24, 1996Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10Rating : 10 1 photoNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.6 'hoodsters in attendance
>April 20, 2000 4 photosNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.3 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Maritime Hall anytime soon.


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