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Aug 25 2000 @ Fox Theater Boulder, CO

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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Tracey Singleton (eg)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)


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1 review
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Friday night's show in Boulder was a free show sponsered by KBCO, Beck's beer, and Hollywood Records. Prior to the show Samm and I met up with Arno, Jenna and Jah Dave. Let me just say that hanging out with people from this list is a hell of a lot of fun, and everyone I've met from the list is a great person. While we were standing in line waiting for the doors to open, we overheard many people searching for tickets. What a great sign. I know it was a free show, but to have a completely full show and people who wanted to get in turned away because the place is full is a good thing in my opinion. I was talking to the Fox Theatre's manager of security after the show, and he said that they stopped letting people in at 10 below fire code capacity (685 in a pretty small theatre). Suffice to say, the place was packed! The openning band was "Sucker." They were ok. They just weren't terribly original (rap-rock-funk). Fishbone came on to a very enthusiastic response and immediately blew the place up with Everyday Sunshine. Here's the set list (what I can remember anyway....not in order):

Everyday Sunshine Karma Tsunami Where'd You Get Those Pants Cholly Monkey Dick Servitude Ma and Pa Freddy's Dead Ugly Party at Ground Zero Behavior Control Technician Lyin' Ass Bitch When Problem's Arise Deep Inside Shakey Ground The Suffering One Planet People Just Allow Aids and Armegeddon

I think that was it...

The first half of the show was so unbelievably tight and energy filled, I thought for sure it was going to be placed in the top three Fishbone shows I've ever seen. But the second half had a couple of points where the mix got a little bit muddy and the songs got a tiny bit sloppy compared to the first half. For clarification, these songs were still fucking amazing, just not quite as amazing as the first half of the show. To quote Dave afterword, "They coulda played all night!!!" It is amazing to me that they still remain such an awe inspiring live act after so many years of nearly constant touring. Everyday Sunshine, Servitude, Ma and Pa, Karma Tsunami, Monkey Dick and One Planet People were probably the most magical songs of the evening for me. After the show we all talked with various members of the band for a bit. For all you Australian soldiers: Norwood said, "I think we'll be headed down there near the end of November..." Maybe Samm, Dave, Arno or Jenna will add anything that I missed...



Live Recordings

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Fishbone & Fox Theater


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