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Aug 12 2000 @ Jones Beach Theater Wantagh, NY

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3 'hoodsters in attendance3 'hoodsters in attendance3 'hoodsters in attendance3 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Tracey Singleton (eg)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)


1. Everyday Sunshine
2. Just Allow
3. Deep Inside
4. Karma Tsunami
5. AIDS & Armageddon
6. The Suffering
7. Subliminal Fascism


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2 reviews
Review found on the web 

After an extremely long wait, I finally got clearance to photograph the funkiest ska/funk/rock band, FISHBONE!!! The wild saxophonist/vocalist/frontman, Angelo Moore, came out in white-face..........HA, back at ya, you racist whiteys!!!

The show started at 7:30pm with "Everyday Sunshine" (a song that's so similar to Sly & The Family Stone's "Everyday People"). The song was f...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

So here's my review of the Wantagh show. Hollywood records sent me all the material for the street team andd I was slated Vijay Ramntah + 1 and was told to arrive an hour before the show to pick up tickets as all the street teamers have been. So my girlfriend and I loaded are backpapacks with posters and stickers and headed forr the show. Unfortunately, the street team thing didn't work out in terms of getting into the show. We weren't on any of the lists at the will call windows includingg the band list. We tried to get in touch with Richard Hawkins with no success. We actually did at one point but then our cell phone connection got cut off. Then they actually got in touch with him at the will call window and he said he would come down to get us, but never did. So we waited until about 7:25 and then just used our regular tickets to get into the show. No big deal. We would perform our street team duties anyway. Our seats were way at the top of the arena, but we got down as far as we could at the Jonnes Beach Theater for Fishbone. Fishbone was tight as hell. They sounded great. Angelo had a mask on and was running around and singing in tthe audience. (very empty seating way up front and they wouldn't let us down there) It was funny, he was up in people's faces who were sitting there and he was singing. They played (from what I remember):

Everyday Sunshine Just Allow Aids and Armaggedon The Suffering Karma Tsunami Subliminal Facism (this was awesome)

I have to say, although a sparse crowd, the response was good. It went from silence to enthusiastic applaud. As the set started, my girlfriend and I started handing out stickers and posters as the boys were playing. The response was great. We got swarmed. People who hadn't heard of Fishbone were like, "These guys are really good". Others who knew of the band were psyched to hear of a new album. The security guards eventually stopped us from walking around during the set and distributing stuff. After the set we retreated to our seats in the sky. STP was ok (pretty blah). Weiland got naked at the end. It was the first time I saw the Chillis and they were really tight. I wish they woould have played older material though. Almost everything was from two albums (BSSM and the new album) After the show, my girlfriend and I and my other friends distributed more stickers and got more great responss. "OOh, cn I have 3, cool, give me one, these guys were good, don't worry i'll buy the album". But alas, to most people Fishbone was an after thought to most people and they weren't even listed on the ticket. They got a brief mentin from the Chillis at the end: "Thanks to Stone Temple Pilots and to the Wonderful, Amazing Fishbone". I also met Yan from Finland from the list (cool guy, somewhat of a lurker like myself).


P.S. Here's a moment that made me reinforce whhy I love Fishbone. As we were waiting at the back will call area where people on the band list were entering, this limo pulls up with people "associated with" stp. The guard told the people in the limo they would either have to drive in through another area, or just walk a hundred yards. The woman in th car (who was just associated with the band) sighed.."We have to walk 100 yeards??" in a condescending way. Next, in come Dirty Walt on foot strolling in from deep in the parking lot. Just the nicest guy. He shakes my hand, gives the guards a lttle salute, and a pat on the back and heads on in. Fishbone rules and after reading Chronicle 7 and I am saddened to see all the rock star Massah corporate bullshit they have had to put up with on this tour. Peace.



Live Recordings

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If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & Jones Beach Theater

Fishbone played already at Jones Beach Theater once.
>August 13, 2000 2 photosNo video has yet been linked.1 reviewAn ordered setlist was submittedNo recording has yet been submitted.1 'hoodster in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Jones Beach Theater anytime soon.


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