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Aug 04 2000 @ Polaris Amphitheatre Columbus, OH

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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Tracey Singleton (eg)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)


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1 review
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Went to the Blitz radio show at Polaris Amphitheater here in Cowtown yesterday. First of all, I had no problem getting into the venue. I simply walked in through a back gate by the VIP parking lot (I had a VIP pass, as well as box seats, courtesy of my mother, who works for one of the sponsors of said amphitheater). After I walked in, I initially had no problem with puttin up the promo flats. I wasn't even hassled until I had most of them up anyway. But when I was approached by venue security, I was told that I couldn't put up any more, nor could I hand out stickers.

It was then I decided to make contact with Richard Hawkins. No names or passes were dropped off at the front gate, so I called the cell phone on the letter that came with the posters and stickers. Met up right before the 'bone was going on (which was at 5pm or so on the second stage) and got a "stage & crew pass."

Not too many people were into them, but there was a decent sized crowd gathered around. Opened with Angelo reciting Fishbone Soldier, which went right into Swim. I thought the crowd might be more into this, as the Blitz is sort of the local jockcore/cockrock station, playing the likes of Bizkit/Korn/and all the copycat bands, as evidenced by the majority of the bands playing this shindig. And even though I'm only 21, I felt old among most of the concertgoers. I can't really remember the order, but other songs performed included The Suffering, Shakey Ground, Bonin', Sunless Saturday, Alcoholic, Karma Tsunami, and ending with Party at Ground Zero. There were a few others, but I can't think of them now. The set lasted around 30-45 minutes.

There were only maybe 3 people including myself dancing the whole time. And when I was skanking to the ska songs, I caught a few people looking at me with sort of a "what the fuck is that guy doing?" look. Definately _not_ a Bone show. there wasn't even any pit until I heard the intro to Sunless Saturday and decided to start one. that may be the first time at least in my memory that I've cleared a space just by myself (and I'm a small dude 5'6" 130lbs). Had a few more people in the pit than were dancing previously, but I was still unsuccessful in trying to get a circle pit going. But I did see someone going the wrong way in the pit though. (mofos need to learn pits go COUNTERclockwise.)

Also, there was some asshole heckling our boys with shit like "nigger" and "fuck you!" Angelo and Wood responded promptly to let the motherfucker know that that wasn't going to fly by mocking him. Asshole tried to jump/climbe the barricade, only to be restrained by 3-4 security guards and then escorted out. Some of the biggest cheers during the set came when asshole was getting kicked out. I remember one of the things Wood said was something to the effect of "Any ladies care to volunteer to measure this guy's little dick? because mine is bigger than this (in reference to his dread)"

I passed out the rest of the promo posters towards the end of the set, right after Angelo mentioned _Psychotic Friends_, right before Sunless Saturday. they went quickly, and hopefully there were some new converts to the world of Fishbone that day.

Afterwards, my friend and I met this really rad kid from Boston and goes to school at Columbia in NYC who was driving around the country. We shot the shit with him for 4-5 hours, until STP (headliners) came on. After about 15min of STP, we left.

I asked Wood about the possible tour with the Bosstones, and he said he found out recently that it wasn't going to happen. Something about MMB going on tour with a band on their label.

I think there's more I wanted to say, but I forgot what that was in the time since I started typing.



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Fishbone & Polaris Amphitheatre

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Polaris Amphitheatre anytime soon.


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