On Stage
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Tracey Singleton (eg)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
I just got back from the FB/STP/RHCP show at Riverbend in Cincinnati.....
Fishbone played for about 1/2 hour. They opened with "Subliminal Fascism" and closed with "Party At Ground Zero"--all songs in between were from Nuttwerx--(not in any certain order) "Shaky Ground", "Karma Tsunami", "Suffering", and "Aids and Armageddon".
Angelo jumped off the stage during "Aids and Armageddon" and went into about the 6th row (with a CORDED mic!) climbing over chairs......
I wore my red, gold and green FB shirt to the show. I was standing at the barricade right in front of the stage and actually made eye contact with Walt (he looked towards me and nodded)--I guess he noticed the shirt (I only saw ONE other person with a FB shirt). Soon after that, security made me sit down--even though I had a 5th row seat--only a few feet from where I was standing to begin with!
Angelo kept saying the band's name over and over during their set ("We ARE Fishbone", etc) and told the audience to buy the new CD, if they didn't have it already.
One thing I DID notice was that people actually stood (besides a few in front of the stage) once the horn break for "Party At Ground Zero" started--like they knew the song, but didn't know who did it!
FB got a good overall crowd response--even though some people had a "What IS this?" look on their faces--the only complaint I have is that I couldn't hear Spacey's guitar at certain times--and their set was just too short--it was like they were just getting started and their time was up!

I agree entirely with the show review. My Friends and I (who had come to concert because of Fishbone) were stuck in lawn seats, but we were groovin' and yellin' all the same. I noticed that all the people that were there were standing up and getting in to the music save the few w/ the "WTF?" look on their face. Unfortunately, many people came in after their set and Fishbone was left play...
Live Recordings
Fishbone & Riverbend Amphitheater
Fishbone is not scheduled to play Riverbend Amphitheater anytime soon. |