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May 06 2000 @ The Music Farm Charleston, SC

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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Tracey Singleton (eg)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)


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3 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

One of the best Fishbone shows I have seen. it was fun seeing them somewhere besides LA set list for charelston show:

sunless saturday bonin in the boneyard aids and armageddon I wish I had a date all kept startin lyin ass bitch just allow if I were a Id... Karma tsunami Monkey Dick deep inside behavior control tech when problems arise the suffering cholly *...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

I was also there, drove up from Jacksonville, FL. You stole my thunder a little with the setlist. I guess I wasn't the only one silly enough to write it down. But hey, it helps me relive some of the highlights of the show. I agree with you about the energy and sound of the show. I don't get the chance to see them often, but it was the best I've ever seen them. The crowd wasn't big,...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

I took a road trip to Charleston this past weekend to hang out and check out the Fishbone Show as well. You've all had a rundown of the show already, so I'll refrain from long winded specifics. Suffice to say it was a good show. Unfortunately I had to cut out at the beginning of the first encore because of other obligations, so I missed the end. Does anyone know who the opening band was? I really enjoyed them; a buncha kids playing good old fashioned hardcore circa Minor Threat/Op Ivy/Dag Nasty style. I didn't expect to like them and was pleasantly surprised. The crowd was fun (it's always the crowd with me). The pit was small, but very "fishboney". By that I mean friendly; physical but not violent. Unfortunately for the time I was at the show there was no real surfing, and they seemed to be tossing out divers so I didn't get my full-on Fishbone experience. The band sounded great, and really seemed to be enjoying themselves (until the divers got thrown out; Angelo seemed pretty pissed about that, and let the club know). All in all, a very good show. I was surprised they opened with Sunless Saturday, and also surprised at all the older material they played.

For all you bored people, here's an interesting story (that has nothing to do with Fishbone) for you:

My fiance and I bought tickets for a Charleston "Ghost Tour" on Friday nite. A Ghost Tour is a guided walking tour around historic Charleston. The guide relates city history and tells stories about supposed ghost encounters (mostly confederate) in areas of the city. We were supposed to meet the tour guide at 9:30 pm at the gates to a small park located in the center of the town. We got to the gates at 9:10 and hung around until about 9:35 with no luck. Being a weekend night there were a lot of kids milling around inside the park itself, but we never saw any organized attempt at collecting people for a tour. We wandered back to the ticket office and were told that not one but TWO groups had already organized and left. They were groups of at least 20 people apiece, so I'm still confused as to how we missed them. One of the other guides, a great guy named Ian, walked with us back to the park to look for other stragglers. We found just one other couple that had missed the groups as well (turns out they'd been sitting beside us waiting earlier). Ironically the couple was from Athens GA (college kids); Chris and Amy. Ian decided to take the four of us on our own tour since we'd missed so much of the 'official' tour. We followed him all around the city, to ancient buildings and cemetaries, and listened to his stories. He himself turned out to be an interesting fellow, as he's originally from Barbados and came to Charleston from Los Angeles because of his interest in Barbadian history with the port city. Anyway, we wound up back by the park we'd started at around 11:15pm. We leaned up against the gates of the park and listened to him tell his last story. Chris took a seat on the ground next to me. As Ian approached the climax to his last ghost story Chris put his head down near his knees. Both Ian and I were about to make a joke about the scary stories putting Chris to sleep when he slumped over against my leg. His girlfriend Amy started screaming, and Ian and I rolled chris over to find his skin a pasty greenish-white, his eyes rolled all the way up into his head, and his arms and hands bunched up against his chest in a sort of seizure rictus. He wasn't breathing. While his girlfriend and my fiance sort of ran around in a panic Ian screamed for someone to call 911 and began giving Chris CPR. I snapped out of my initial haze, grabbed my cell phone and called 911 myself. I quickly found it frustrating trying to give the operator our location given the fact that I wasn't a local and we were on a cobblestone street with no streetsigns to be found. I instead gave landmarks (of which I had plenty to choose). Meanwhile Ian was still performing CPR on Chris and shouting that he was getting no response from him. I'm unsure of how much time elapsed, but just as we heard the sirens of the Ambulance and police Chris popped back into being as if someone had flipped a switch. The color flooded back into his face and his entire body broke out into a sweat. He was confused, not remembering what had happened after sitting down. He said that he'd sat on the ground because he'd 'felt funny', and the next thing he knew Ian was a little closer to him that he'd prefer. We made him stay lying on the ground while the ambulance maneuvered to us. He continued to nervously tell jokes and laugh while laying there, obviously freaked out. From the questions the paramedics asked I learned that Chris had not been drinking that day (or doing drugs), which I believed because of my interaction with him over the nearly two hour tour. He had no history of seizures or epilepsy in his family, and had never experienced such a thing before. The paramedics seemed skeptical of Ians assertion that Chris had stopped breathing altogether, but both he and I know that was the case. Ultimately they loaded Chris into the ambulance and took him and his completely freaked out girlfriend to the hospital. Ian, my fiance and I stood on the street for a moment, shocked and flustered, coming down from the panic and crisis of the moment. We then did what anyone would do after such an occurance; we headed to the closest bar. We spent the rest of the night talking; about the situation that had occurred and just getting to know one another. Ian and my fiance were both really wigged about what had happened. As another ironic twist Ian turned out to be a Fishbone fan who already had purchased his ticket to the saturday night show.

It was an interesting way to make a connection, and will be a night I'll never forget.




Live Recordings

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Fishbone & The Music Farm

Fishbone played already at The Music Farm 2 times.
>March 01, 1995 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
>March 02, 2011 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
Fishbone is not scheduled to play The Music Farm anytime soon.


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