On Stage
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Tracey Singleton (eg)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)

I made the 4 hour drive to see them at the Firehouse in St. Louis, MO. The place has a cool website so I thought it would be cool there. Thats only what I thought... It looks cool, it's an old firehouse converted into one big bar/restaurant room (with good food and friendly waitstaff), and one big performance room with a bar and a game room in the back. The event was KSLU (http:/...

The show knocked my socks off, and, I think, is the best show I've seen since Chris left (and, I think we're currently about 50/50 with about 8 with chris, and 8 without...)
The shit is finally all coming together.
The webcast was a wash...no one seemed to have a mic that Angelo could use for this.
I hooked up with a DAT taper, s...

I was there and I have the bruises to prove it. Brian summed it up pretty well. I stood in the very front the entire time and when they started in on Bonin' some crack head motherfucker wanted me and my bro's spot up front. I had driven 4 hours and stood though two opening bands. He didn't get it, then he tried to get a spot from this girl next to me, she grabbed him around the throat! He ...
Live Recordings
Fishbone & The Firehouse
Fishbone is not scheduled to play The Firehouse anytime soon. |