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Feb 17 2000 @ Key Club W Hollywood, CA

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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Tracey Singleton (eg)
John Steward (d)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)


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2 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

For what it's worth, here's my rundown of the Nuttstalk show 2/17 at the Key Club in West Hollywood. I welcome anybody's corrections if I get artist/band names confused.

Doors opened at 7, and music was to start at 7:30. I couldn't get there until about 7:50. Fishbone was on stage doing a short set. I'm guessing that they had started around 7:30 or 7:45 and did 30 minutes or so. (anybody there from the start?) I got to hear about 3 songs -- all from the new album. At the time, there were only about 20-30 people in the club. Fishbone was being videotaped by two people. (anybody know if they were just fans/friends, or if HW records was getting some footage? [certainly wasn't a full pro video crew]) On one of the songs they brought out a femal backup singer who looked like she was straight off the cover of a James Brown album from the early 80s: all sexy spandex, lace, stilletto heels, and wild hair. Anybody know who she is? The FB lineup included the auxiliary percussionist who I saw with them last month at their Key Club show.

NEXT Vicky Calhoun sang a small set. She was backed by a band which included a few Fishbone members. I seem to recall SpaceyT on guitar, Billy Bass on bass, Deion on drums, and another guitar player. (??) I really enjoyed her cover of Whole Lotta Love. SpaceyT's playing during her set was really hot.

NEXT Laundry did a small set. If you don't know them, it's a trio doing some intricately rhythmic grungy metal stuff with some odd meters. The instrumentation is drum set, guitar, and Chapman stick (more or less a 10-string bass that is played with both hands on the neck). This was my introduction to them. A few minutes of research showed that they are part of the extended Primus family tree. I thought the highlight of their set was their cover of Pink Floyd's "Welcome to the Machine."

NEXT Weapon of Choice did a fun and funky set. I've only listened to one WOC album, and it's been a while. This was my first time to see them live. During this set I had the pleasure of standing behind Angelo, who had stepped onto the dance floor to enjoy the show. (yes, I greeted him and was received warmly)

NEXT Then they brought out BlowFly. Once again, this was new to me, so I did a little research. He's a 55 year-old rapper who seems to specialize in obscene/comical stories. He was backed by a band consisting of some parts Fishbone, some parts WOC, and a few others thrown in for good measure.

NEXT A short set by John Black (?). I don't know anything about this artist. He played some funky rock songs, but was having problems with his monitor & then broke a string or two.

FINALLY Trulio Disgracious. This jam session top out at around 28 people on stage: all of Fishbone except for McKnight, most of WOC, Billy Bass, Vicky Calhoun, Anthony Brewster (I think), the sexy FB backup singer, and more who I didn't recognize.

I left at around 1:10, about 3-4 songs into the Trulio set.



Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Soldiers -

I saw Lauren and that goddamn KungFuMunkyRobot at the show. Fishbone played "Just Allow" and "Shakey Ground" for their last two songs. Angelo has mounted one of his therimin's to a mic stand and painted it with psychedelic colors. Billy from Parliament played bass on the last song. I must have arrived at the same time WT did. I had called the club earlier ...


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