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Dec 05 1998 @ The Chance Poughkeepsie, NY

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0 vote
1 review1 review
1 photo1 photo
No video has yet been linked.0 linked video
No recording has yet been submitted.0 recording
4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters in attendance4 'hoodsters

On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Tracey Singleton (eg)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Dion Murdock (d)


The setlist hasn't been submitted yet, please encode it if you can.


1 photo


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1 review
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Hi y'all. Man, what a weekend! I don't know if I have the energy to drive two hours to Pilly tonight for the trifecta, but I sure am thinking about it. Last night's show in Poughkeepsie was phat. No NYC by any means though. Some kids got the set list before me so I will have to give you a rundown by memory. I took the hour and a half drive to the Chance, which was a really small club. There ...


Live Recordings

0 live recording
If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & The Chance

Fishbone played already at The Chance 8 times.
>January 09, 1987 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
>November 09, 1987 2 photosNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.1 'hoodster in attendance
>April 23, 1988 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
>April 12, 1989 1 photoNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
>May 25, 1996 3 photosNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.4 'hoodsters in attendance
>August 03, 1997 No photo has yet been submitted.No video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.3 'hoodsters in attendance
>October 17, 2003 1 photoNo video has yet been linked.1 reviewThe setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.3 'hoodsters in attendance
>August 19, 2018 3 photosNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.An ordered setlist was submitted2 recordings2 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play The Chance anytime soon.


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