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Dec 02 1998 @ 9:30 Club Washington, DC

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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Tracey Singleton (eg)
John McKnight (key, tb, eg, v)
Dion Murdock (d)


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3 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

I say this every time but, best show ever.Cholly, behavior,pressure, godzilla, babyhead, a new,new fast one, ugly,smim, lemon merange (deon did a tastful use of ghost notes at "you can take away the beat...", did fish do that live?) The crowd was awsome and HUGE.Every one came out, like it was new years, the new 9:30 club is a big place too. They played for 2 and one half hours. It felt like 70 minutes, cause I danced the whole time. Gotta say I didn't pay half the attention/concentration I usually do cause I had just returned from "yea, tho I walk from the valley's of Memphis, Nashville, Cooksville, knocksville, and all those fucced up places. There were many firsts for me this time, Norwood and Angelo, looked completely sober all night. Walt went all the way to lights on, with out saying "All You weed smokin' mother fucker's..." and his only reference was damn funny. He's said "I think even Don and Marie puff a little. Even tho, it's kinda early they probaly get that wake n'Bake in." Angelo said a thing I thought was real brainish "This song rock star is about our frustrations with dealing with our own industry, and I understand it's kinda not YOUR greatest concern as y'all are tryin' to party and be away from your problems. But since WE DO have to deal with it our expressions come out here and hopefully you can include it in your night of entertainment."(sincerely) I met up with High C and Dianne, I tried to make out with High C's sister before he turned around, but she wasn't havin' it. More hard luck was when I saw this cup on the floor that was SMASHED COMPLETELY FLAT. In case you don't know, when you do that to a plastic cup it looks EXACTLY like a flower! I was feelin' goofy and almost gave it to some girl in reboks, but I thought about it for too long and it got obliterated. The pit: That's were I made a living that night.(they allways say that on televised b.ball). Angelo was in about 5 times. One man tried to give my face the elbow. He thought I was gay just cause only wearing one color.(The damn generalizations in this country are just TOO much!) So, High C borrowed a crutch from an injured person, and he let the guy have it as I WWFed the bitch. I didn't tape. I got there not 'till the middle of the sound chek and there was absolutely no gettin' in. The club workers treated us like assasins, they had me write a message and gave it to angelo, but it never caused him to come out and it didn't get us on the list. When I finally caught him inside, I was figurin' maybe I should lay lo a little. But he was pleased to see, gave me a big hug, even tho he's not gay, and said he got my lexington tape. I will never sweat over gettin' on the list cause I know the underground nature for which they work/independantly is very intense and I'd forget my own Mom if it was me.They don't hire people to do anything. Angelo was hand drawing a bunch of signs for I showed him my friend Rob (, who now has the ideal answer for when people ask him what was his first concert. Well, as soon as soon as I wake up I gotta' got to Baltimore so I can try to get my shit together and tape. Killin' time between's gonna suk cause I don't know where nothin' is up there. For the attention that I paid, I gathered that the band is STILL gettin even tighter. After the show, Dianne (I think she's kind new on this list), tried some hipnosis on me. But I think it was bullshit, I don't believe in ghosts, I don't think it worked and I think I'm really here typing this. I hope the data density wasn't too low for ya'll.(yee haw) bye friends

Rob Summers


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Last night's show was the bomb. There's a new energy that's been missing for a while. Deion, Spacey, and John bring new blood. Angelo, Norwood, and Walt are recharged! This was the TIGHTEST version of Fishbone I've seen in a long time. A bud of mine had a good analogy. He said the Fishbone from 1996-1998 was like a Mustang GT with some new parts, but well over 100,00 miles. The ba...


Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

Angelo opened the show reading "Jah Jah on the Telephone". The only songs I can think of that High C doesn't have listed are "V.T.T.L.O.F.D.G.F." and "A Question of Life". One of the songs was also from the soundtrack for Hard Core Logo. It may be listed below and I just didn't catch the title of it. I agree with Chris' review of the show. It was slammin'! It's great to have the full horn se...


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