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Sep 13 1997 @ Lakewood Amphitheater Atlanta, GA

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On Stage


Party At Ground Zero
Ma & Pa
Bonin' in the Boneyard
Freddie's Dead
Give it Up
Sunless Saturday


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1 review
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

what else can i say, they blew the fuckin' place apart!! The energy was definately there - Angelo was his usual stage-divin' boundless self; Norwood prounced around the stage thumping the hell out of that Warwick thumb bass (sorry about the shameless plug : ) ) not to mention his mind-blowing solo on Bonin'; Dirty Walt sounded great, could be seen jumping and shaking as well; Fish pounded out some of that shit we all love, with his back to the crowd by the way; Brewster and his keys fattened it up nicely although his stage presence lacked something?? Spacey T. came through nicely, I think he makes a great addition AND you could hear the guitar thhis time....which reminds me, the mix sounded so much better than the last time I saw them. Crowd response was pretty good, although I was the only one in my section who couldn't stop moving. Here's what they played (from what I recall) : 1. Alcohalic 2. Party at Ground Zero 3. Ma & Pa 4. Bonin' in the Boneyard 5. Freddie's Dead 6. Give It Up 7. Sunless Saturday 8. Swim ---They were up there for maybe 45 minutes, MUCH too short if you ask me. Oh yeah, I picked up the "FUCK RACISM" shirt, Angelo's book and video: the Delusional Quandaries of Doctor Madd Vibe. I recommend that everybody should go out a pick this one up, buy a second if you already own one, I'll just say it's a whole lotta fun. Soak em' up when they come around--- Al


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Fishbone & Lakewood Amphitheater

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Lakewood Amphitheater anytime soon.


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