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Jul 09 1996 @ Warped 96 Portland, OR

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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Philip Fisher (d)
John Bigham (eg, g, key, v)


Rock Star


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1 review
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

As I said, I went to see the Warped Tour on July 9th. For being Oregon, the weather was excellent. The sun was out, but it wasn't super hot. Which, it's better to go to an outdoor show when it's warmer out than when it's raining. Anyways, onto the show. I didn't think the show as a whole was that great. It had it's high points, Fishbone obviously, but overall it was just ok. First off, it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon and the city is complaining about the noise and won't let the speakers be turned way up. So we got to see a loud show, but not a blaring show. Most everyone was pissed right off the bat at that. The bands made it clear that they didn't appreciate it. Angelo said that they couldn't turn up the music volume, but no one had control over the crowd volume, which by that time was thin. Angelo had everyone yell and scream for a couple minutes, ha, see how they like that! ;) I wasn't really expecting that great of a show, so I guess the show lived up to what I expected. I only went to see 4 bands out of the 14 that came to my area. They were Fishbone (duh), NOFX, Dick Dale and Dance Hall Crashers. Since there were so many bands, each group only has 30 minutes to play. Some groups, like NOFX, decide they'll stop when they want to (40 minutes later..) Which, since Fishbone is last, cuts there time down. I'm not going to describe any of the other group's performances, because I really didn't pay attention to them. Though, Rocket From The Crypt got old really quickly and Goldfinger bit the big one. Out of the four groups I went to see, Dick Dale played first. This guy is just amazing. He did a cover of the old country song "Riders in the Sky." Now this song was amazing when it was first written, but Dick Dale also did an incredible job on it! [Does anyone know if he released it on a disk?] He even had his son (I believe that's who he was) on a drum set on the corner of the stage! The kid is only like 8 or 9 years old. The only bad part about Dick Dale was some girl who looked at her boyfriend and shrugged like he wasn't anything special!? [Rock on Green Day!, eh??] NOFX played a couple hours later. They were pretty cool. They did some of their older stuff and a couple covers and some new stuff. Throughout the show, people had been throwing hacky-sacks, frisbees, shoes that were being given away at the bands. Some of the bands would throw the stuff back, but NOFX had the best one. The singer was like "What's with these hippy shit things?" Then one of the other guys (I forget what he played, bassist?) picked up a hacky sack, ripped it apart and dumped the contents and said, "Now try kicking this around!" Lets see, oh, the other cool part with NOFX was that it was the guitarists birthday that day! So Dick Dale and some other people brought him out a cake! When they were showing him the cake, one of the guys from another group (Pennywise?) reached around the guitarist and pulled the cake into him! Then they smoothered him in it! haha. Classic Kodak moment. Too bad I didn't have a camera... Not much to say about Dance Hall Crashers. They didn't do too good of a job. They tried to be too punky, it just wasn't working. They played "Nuisance" and "Skinhead BBQ" though. Fishbone was very last. Not even a minute into "Swim" and Angelo was already on top of people doing the ol' crowd ride. I can't find my paper right now, so I'll try to do this from memory. They played Swim, Rockstar, Riot, Alcholic, and Beergut. Maybe there was another one in there. They were supposed to start at 9:30 (show over at 10p), but since other people went long they got on at 10p and went to 10:25p. I'm sorry, but you cannot see Fishbone in a half an hour set. By the time it's over, you want more! Not that you don't anyways, but it's better to see them for an hour and want more than a half an hour (you're partialy filled...) Fishbone was incredible, per usual. While they were playing, the stage crew was pulling down the stage next to them. One of the idiots pulled the wrong cord, and out went the lights! Angelo had the Theremin there. I still love that instrument, I want one. :) Anyway, after they played the lights were cut and it was done.... ...After Fishbone I was going to buy a T-shirt but when we got there, most of the shirts were down! No Fishbone shirt was up at all. They had them boxed and getting ready for the truck. Oh well, there's always a next time... But overall, the was ok. Nothing really special. Though I went with some good friends and met up with some friends that I didn't expect to be there, so that was really nice. I also got to meet Angelo and talk with him for about 5 minutes, which was also really cool since I've never met any of the band before...until now. Angelo also read some poetry and played in a small band out of the main stage in the skating area. He played that one instrument that looked sort of like a coffee can (I know it's not, what is that anyways??) I guess, for what I went to see, I did get my moneys worth though.

Later. Chris Schatz


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Fishbone & Warped 96

Fishbone is not scheduled to play Warped 96 anytime soon.


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