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Dec 10 1991 @ Palladium Los Angeles, CA

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On Stage

Angelo C. Moore (v, sax, thr, per)
John Norwood Fisher (eb, b, v)
Walter Kibby III (v, t)
Philip Fisher (d)
Kendal R. Jones (eg, v)
Christopher Dowd (v, key, tb)
John Bigham (eg, g, key, v)


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2 reviews
Review from the Nuttwork's archive 

That show is still the single best, most powerful musical performance I have ever witnessed in my life, and I cannot imagine it ever being topped. The band was completely on FIRE, opening with Freddie's Dead and Angelo in the crowd before he sang the first word, and throughout the show -- he really, truly did somehow climb up to a balcony, at least 20-25 feet over the floor, and jump down into...


Review by Deesonic on May 01 2005 

This show was absolutely incredible. Fishbone was red hot! I was 18, a freshman in college and I actually had not listened to Fishbone much before this show. I only owned the first EP on vinyl and figured if they played Party at Ground Zero that would be great. I was really into Primus and the way I always describe this show is... I went to the Paladium to see Primus and came out a Fishbone soldier! After this show I remember hitting Tower Records in Northridge looking for the entire catalog! I've long forgotten Primus for the most part, but still love Fishbone. Since this show I've seen them 6 more times, but this was Fishbone on top of their game all the way with a huge audience who was in love with them. I've enjoyed every show I've seen them since, but all the other shows I've seen are the newer incarnations with less enthusiastic crowds.

As the previous poster mentioned, Angelo was jumping from the balcony and spent most of the show in the crowd. Of course, this was the classic line up too. I have seen well over 100 shows in my life and this easily ranks in my top 3 all time. At this point in my life I was a totally innocent kid who was still "straight edge" for the most part. I needed no mental enhancements for this show though. It was completely unbelievable stone cold sober! I'd say it is number 2 all time on my list just after Sonic Youth 95 in Atlanta.

See my other Fishbone reviews under Boulder CO 96 and 97, Huntsville AL 96, Atlanta 00 and 01, Hilton Head SC 2005. I've also seen a "Nuttmeg" festival of some kind in Denver around 97 and a MaddVibe show in Athens GA 2000, but neither of these are on the gig list here.


Live Recordings

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Fishbone & Palladium


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