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Jul 25 1987 @ The Ritz New York, NY

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2 reviews2 reviews2 reviews
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8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters in attendance8 'hoodsters

On Stage


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2 reviews
Review by Nijumu on Apr 10 2015 

I don't know if the show happened as they played on july 31 and auguest, 1 at the ritz!

Review by Cmaz on Feb 21 2018 

The show must have happened as i have the ticket stub and the memories! i believe Royal Crescent Mob opened up. Fishbone was RED HOT!

Live Recordings

0 live recording
If you have a recording of this show, please share it with the familyhood !

Fishbone & The Ritz

Fishbone played already at The Ritz 9 times.
>October 31, 1985 11 photosNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.6 'hoodsters in attendance
>May 03, 1986 1 photoNo video has yet been linked.1 reviewThe setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.2 'hoodsters in attendance
>November 28, 1986 1 photoNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.3 'hoodsters in attendance
>March 28, 1987 2 photosNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
>December 27, 1987 14 photosNo video has yet been linked.1 reviewThe setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.10 'hoodsters in attendance
>December 28, 1987 2 photosNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.
>July 19, 1988 1 photoNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.1 'hoodster in attendance
>October 20, 1988 1 photoNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.4 'hoodsters in attendance
>October 21, 1988 4 photosNo video has yet been linked.No review has yet been submitted.The setlist has not yet been submitted.No recording has yet been submitted.9 'hoodsters in attendance
Fishbone is not scheduled to play The Ritz anytime soon.


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