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Nov 01 1986 @ The Outhouse Lawrence, KS

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© Kevin Kelly

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1 review
Review by Nijumu on Jun 30 2019 

Angelo and Norwood are interviewed for The OUthouse The Movie. They're in the trailer too :

Fedj Sylvanus
Indeed! Lawrence Kansas! The “club” was a garage for combine harvesters in the middle of 4 corn fields in each direction. Only one road in. The bus driver, after about an hour of searching, came to wake up our tour manager saying,
“Look, I’ve been across here about a half dozen times and there’s NOTHING! No other building around here for miles in every direction. This HAS to be it but…”
So we parked and waited. Sure enough, about an hour later a kid with keys showed up and opened the place. No sign, no posted address, no marquee, NOTHIN!
We loaded in and there was like a one stall bathroom for the entire place, no kitchen, no bar, nothin but a stage made out of plywood and 2x4s and a big ol’ garage door on one end and a single side door. We sound checked and got back on the bus. All of us thinking this was going to be a dismal night. Around 7 or 8 at night though, must have been close to 800 kids all show up. The place could barely hold 300 elbow to elbow but they squeezed on in! The stage and PA system were all coming off of ONE 20amp circuit breaker which blew about 4 or 5 times throughout the set. I had to keep running from the console to the main panel to turn it back on then back to FOH to continue. Being November, it was cold as hell outside, but inside? It was a fkn SAUNA!! Great show though! Never will forget it.



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Fishbone & The Outhouse

Fishbone is not scheduled to play The Outhouse anytime soon.


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