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About is a community effort to spread the word that Fishbone is more than ever the baddest band in the world. I initially wanted to simply share on the web the archive of Fishbone concert memories i had gathered over the years, but it quickly became the monster it is now... Since its launch in May 2004, 5061 familyhood members have signed up and shared their Fishbone live experiences with the unaware. If you try, you will catch on ! is not the official Fishbone website. Check out for the official word from Fishbone. This being said, some info on this site, since it is directly contributed by Fishbone or Fishbone management, can be considered official :
- the confirmed tour dates,
- the news items posted by Fishbone or Fishbone Management,
- the taping and trading policy and the taping authorization interface

Please beware that while Fishbone and strives to give you the most accurate information on upcoming tour dates, you always should confirm with the venue that the show is actually happening before making long distance trip arrangements...


This site is built from media contribution from its members. All media contributions (images, audio, video, text,...) are copyright of their respective copyright holder.

The site artwork is an original concept by Arturo Bandini for Utopie Pirate adapted by Denis Dubuisson.

All the rest (concept, design, programming, architecture,...) is © 2003-2008 by Denis Dubuisson.

You may not reproduce or reuse any information presented on this site in any form without prior written consent of the copyright holder

My media is used without my consent, or without credit to me >:-( strives to respect and acknowledge the rights of the copyrights holders. However, due to the collaborative and archive nature of the site, it is not always possible to track down the copyright holders of each contributed media. If you see on this site a media for which you own the copyright and would like it to be credited or removed, please contact the webmaster, the wrongs will be righted immediately.


Feel free to republish on your websites the syndication feeds of the upcoming tour dates and news

However, you may not reproduce or reuse any other information presented on this site in any form without prior written consent of the copyright holder


Leeching is adding a media from a site to another site by simply linking it. This is at best considered to be a rude practice because besides stealing someone else's work, it also steals the bandwidth. For copyright reasons, hotlinking to media on from another site (besides the banner) will not work. Please contact the copyright holder of the media before copying it and using it on your own site.


Feel free to link to Here's some simple codes you could use to build your link:

<a href="">, share your Fishbone live experience !</a>

which renders as, share your Fishbone live experience !;

<a href="" title='Fishbone tour dates'>Fishbone tour dates</a>

which renders as Fishbone tour dates

or if you want to use a banner

<a href="" title=", share your Fishbone live experience"> <img src="" width='468' height='60' border='0'> </a>

which will render as

Thanks for your support !


This is v3.0. It is developped from scratch in PHP/MySQL. The source code is available upon request from the webmaster. Please note that the code was not written with portability in mind and that some dirty source editing would be necessary to port it for another band, but it's possible (There's even some documentation in the source !). For those who care, the database currently weighs 39.4 MB...

Special thanks to Arturo Bandini for the Artwork and to long time Fishbone soldier and friend Arno who kindly provided diskspace, processor time and bandwitdth from his own personal data center in the heart of Amsterdam between 2004 and 2006.


© 2003-2025 [about / copyrights] webmaster@fishbonelive.orgChateau Mariage Belgique